Thursday, October 31, 2019
CATEGORIES: News, Home Page, New Releases, English
First Free Music's newest album, Live at the Black Box Theatre, was recorded live at the Weber Center for the Performing Arts Veterans Studio Black Box Theatre in downtown La Crosse, WI, surrounded by their worship arts family and friends. The project captures seven powerful new songs on film which echo the heartbeat of First Free Music.
"This past season of our writing has consisted of our team trudging through resistance, hardship, and funk," shares Worship Leader Aaron Luttenegger, "but these songs carry a message of hope and longing, and a deeper desire for the presence of God. It's been a beautiful journey seeing it all come full circle — desperation to whole-hearted praise, a declaration of the faithfulness and kindness of the Father."
"Sometimes in the trenches of life, we need the fire that lives in others to lead us out of the darkness. Jesus saw through all of our cracks and brokenness, and He still chose us – so we need to look around and do the same. Choose each other, choose the Father, just as He chooses us every time."